The Media, Model and Advertising vehicle has changed over time and continues to change over the past decade, in particular. As an advertising agency in Chennai that has served a hundred customers in the last couple of years alone, we find that the success of an advertisement is only measured by the success of the aim it is to achieve, no matter how smart the execution is.
Arctur Creatives believe that all advertising pieces are only as good as the idea it comes from. And we are the best at that. We believe in large ideas that remain true to the brand and achieve its marketing objective.
As part of our creative approach, we ensure that everyone involved in the ad creation process participates in every aspect of the ad. Our copywriters remember the visual, design and production and our art directors don’t lose sight of the copy, making sure that every creative element works like a brief piece. We also remember that most ads are of two kinds. When an ad is made to raise awareness and interest in the brand, it is called a brand image ad, while an ad made to initiate a action or response by consumers is called a proportional or action ad.
As a Chennai publicity agency, we deliver media, channels and other advertising services to individuals and companies. Print, Radio, TV, Digital and Social media are included.
We needed an advertising and branding strategy aimed at professional workers from small and medium businesses to MNCs in Chennai. We knew this demographic well as being a branding and ad agency in Chennai it was like us. They led an enterprising lifestyle and were active online and social media; we only needed to introduce them to the event and to get them involved.
Our Strategy was conducted in various ways:
An interactive website design was created and implemented, a comprehensive marketing campaign for digital and social media was conducted and print ads designed and an online photography contest was organized for the main event to generate interest.
We provided regular updates and rolled out Facebook ads during the Social Media campaign, which combined applicable questionnaires with ad content. Public involvement was evident with people responding to the ads, commenting on them, responding and sharing them. Prior to the competition, we created and curated an online photography event to generate interest in the event. Judged on the basis of Facebook preferences, the competition reached both participants and voters and worked as a good preview for the main competition. We have developed printed ads for popular daily newspapers and posters as well as social media advertising. We have developed stands, visiting card, pamphlets, posters, banners, outdoor displays and large hoardings. During the event, we enabled communications services and produced a company video containing event highlights and original ad content.